What Causes Mold Growth in Cars and How to Prevent It

We use our cars in various ways. Some people use it in a responsible manner, and some neglect its tidiness. So, in the case of dirty cars, there can be chances of mold growth. It can affect the environment in the car as well as the driving experience. 

Causes of mold growth in cars 

  • Moisture buildup

 Mold grows in an atmosphere that has dampness. So, if there is any kind of leak or condensation in your car, then it can induce mold generation. Thus, it is essential to keep your car dry. At times, any kind of leakage in the window, doors, or sunroof can also cause moisture buildup. So, it is important to address any kind of lake as soon as possible. 

  • Spilled beverages and food

 Sometimes, we also have some snacks in our car. At times, any tiny spillage can make the interiors dirty. Additionally, any kind of wet seat can result in mold buildup. 

  • Flood damage or high humidity.

There can also be situations in which our vehicle can stay ideal in flood water. So, due to the accumulation of water for a long period, mold may start to build up. Such situations can appear, if there is insulation in trapped areas or corners.

How to prevent mold growth in your car 

  • Keep your car dry

 The first step to take is to keep your car dry. We should use towels to wipe out any kind of spillage or wet surfaces. Additionally, we should open up the windows and let the natural air in for the drying process. 

  • Check for and fix leaks.

 We should always look for any kind of leaks in the car. If there is any, then we should prevent it as soon as possible. We can also use moisture absorbers to decrease the humidity in the car. Some examples can be baking soda or silica gel packets. Placing these under areas like below the seats can prevent moisture buildup. 

  • Keep your car clean

 We should clean up any kind of garbage or spillage as soon as possible. You should also not leave any kind of food in the car. Further, we can use disinfecting wipes to keep surfaces mold-free. 

  • Run the air conditioner properly.

Before turning off the car, we should run the air conditioner properly by opening up the windows and doors properly. Then, it will allow the removal of any kind of mold buildup. We can also park our car in a well-ventilated area. It should be in the garage or something similar. Besides, we can also leave the windows open slightly, if it is safe to do so. These steps will help prevent the accumulation of moisture. So, these are some of the points that depict the common reasons and some probable solutions, for car mold. So, we can use these steps as a solution for car mold removal. Additionally, we can also get help from car detailing services to clean our cars thoroughly. They will also provide you with some additional tips or guidance on how to keep your car dry and clean.